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Out of context: Reply #47

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  • discipler0

    A shame Tick ignores people he disagrees with rather than opting for objective discussion.

    First of all, Creation science is science. Just not science which stems from an Atheistic/Naturalist world view. Rather it is science which recognizes that where there is complex design, there must be a designer. Again, Intelligent Design and Creationism is not about illegitimately imposing the dictates of faith upon science, but about raising rational objections to proposed Darwinian explanations of the biological world.

    Yes, the ID crowd says, "God created everything." Why? Because there is an abundance of evidence which points to an intelligent designer behind the universe. Look at the structure of human eye, a human egg, the perfect distance of the earth from the sun and the moon from the earth, etc... What honest seekers need to learn about is such biochemical marvels as the clotting cascade, the chemistry of vision, the bacterial flagellum, and countless others, and decide which hypothesis better explains what is observed, random evolution or Intelligent Design. If you suggest that matter just sprang from nothing... you still have to answer the question - who/what caused this? An infinite series of causes? No, that just leaves you with an infinite series of effects which is logical suicide.

    Physical sciences can only account for physical processes. It cannot account for metaphysical realities like the will and emotions, the ability to love and feel compassion.

    And much of what is considered "Enlightenment" is really the result of bad science. We've grown, we need to revise and look at the real problems with the Darwinian framework.

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