the look of a killer

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • todelete__20

    could have been worse.

    when i was 20 just about everything bad that could happen to a guy was happening to me. i was broke, my girl left me for my best friend and most of our mutual friends chose their side. i was left with nothing.

    so one night i went to a party 2 towns over, i'll be damned if she showed up. fuck, i didn't even know she knew anyone there. she started a fight about something or other so i split. i drove about a block to a park and sat and drank myself stupid. the more i drank the madder i got. at about 2am i drove home and for some reason thought the faster i drove the better i'd be. well, lost control around a turn and hit a large tree about a foot in on the bumper on the left hand side of the truck, flipping it on its top and rolling it a few times into a field.

    i lost more than my teeth that night from the steering wheel. never again have i ever let myself lose control like that. daily when i look into the mirror at fake teeth it's a reminder of what could have been, and it makes me feel blessed for all that i have because of it.

    king, as bad as you may think you got it, someone, somewhere has it way worse. once you look at all the shit you have that really matters, not your money, your car, your computer.... look at the stuff that really matters and.... ya know. fuck balls. i lost my train of thought. i just started daydreaming about that night and i'll be mad fucked if i have no idea where i was going with that. shit. nevermind.

    whatever you were saying let me just post the typical nt response...


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