laptop. should i?

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  • lvl_130

    thanksfor the replies.

    let me quickly run through the responses as i remember them:

    specs are basically something relatively fast, enough ram slots, nice clear screen (15 in. nothing bigger). decent battery life.

    why not mac. no reason specific. look nice. slim and light. flash runs like shit on them. too expensive. have all pc software.

    someone said toshibas are shit. haven't ever owned one, but they seem to be one of the top (other than sony viao) and i have heard that comparing the two is like comparing oranges to oranges...then add at least $100 to buy the sony.

    liquid nailed it. getting away from the desk is key. and i will be on the road for clients so there is a def. need for a laptop.

    someone said something about thinkpad...haven't researched them, so i really have no clue. i'll check them now though. any more suggestions/observations?

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