sunis, shiites and kurds

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • oculasm0

    okay, I have a few mins I'll try to answer your question - though its probably best discussed in some other forum other than a design centric forum.

    The two main sects of islam are the "shia" and "sunni" there are more out there but I dont know much about them and they are a minority..

    Iraq for example has both of these two sects living alongside each other, most of the arab states are of the sunni sect..
    and Iran is a shia muslim country.

    There are minor differences between shias and sunni's as they are all muslim, the differences pertain to who took the leadership of the muslim community when the prophet muhamad died. There was a lot of conflict around that time. Shia's believed that the leadership should be in the prophets family, and chosen by god, thus they believe in 12 imam's, or religious leaders of the prophets family, grandsons etc..

    Kurds are probably a different matter altogether, I think they are muslim but they are not a sect or anything.

    this article details some differences in depth. I havent read it but hope it helps.

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