Global warming

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • Kuz0

    "how can anyone seriously think that today's 'scientists' have all the answers based on a little more than 100 years of actual weather data?"

    the weather data goes back a lot more than 100 years. Actual statistics were being taken in the UK atleast during the mid-late 1600s. By using geology in the poles and the sea bed, data goes back thousands of years.

    "how can anyone seriously think that if this is a real situation - that mankind is actually capable of fixing it?"

    not with that attitude :P

    "... and shut the hell up about 'dubya'... ya'll make it sound like it's his fault -- this shit's been brewing for years --"

    As the worlds most powerful nation, US environmental policy has taken a turn for the worse since the Presidency of George W Bush, who has been a major obstacle in the internationalisation of the problem (as lowimpakt says).

    "Ask the French, the Germans... or our pal Kofi over there at the U.N. about the oil for food scandal -- "

    Not exactly sure what this has to do with climate change.

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