Cocaine & Canapés

Out of context: Reply #72

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    From Mayfair to Morden from Soho to Sidcup
    From Richmond to Dalston through old Regents park
    From Borough to Bayswater, Crouchend to Clapham.
    From Debden to Tooting beneath Marble arch.

    There are daughters of ministers children of clergy
    There are amiable honarables barristers verging
    On every single section of today’s society
    Have thrown figs to the wind and embraced with such glee
    The most wonderful pastime to have come around in years
    Yes policemen and plumbers road sweepers and peers

    Simply everyone’s taking Cocaine

    Well last weekend I rode the Millennium wheel
    From above and beneath I heard giggle and squeal
    For instead of enjoying fine views all about
    All the tourists were busily racking them out
    Even those from the west of Ukraine

    Simply everyone’s taking Cocaine

    In the marathon runners are running with glee
    With a vigour quite plain for spectators to see
    It’s a marvel how thousands have slashed at their times
    By at regular intervals hoofing a line
    They’ve been stoking it up like a train

    Simply everyone’s taking cocaine

    Well I saw a young fireman helmet in hand
    With a placard declaring we need thirty grand.
    When I asked him to justify such an increase
    He said “we have to buy it unlike the police”
    Then he left for his villa in Spain

    Saying everyone’s taking cocaine

    Well I saw fizzy Sipworth attempting to eat
    Inexplicably missing the most of her teeth
    I said Fizzy your gummy what gives you old wag
    She said “snorting Peruvian from the pound bag”
    Then she laughed like a Portuguese drain

    Simply everyone’s taking cocaine

    Well I saw aunty Millie, her nose in a cast
    I asked how would she manage her hourly blast
    “She said needs must dear boy though it may seem a farce
    I’ve been having it blown up the old Khyber Pass
    By an elderly friend from Bahrain”

    Simply everyone’s taking Cocaine

    Uncle Percy set off on his great expedition
    I said Percy you look in the peek of condition
    “Quite so dear boy I’m a jack in the box
    Since I purchased a sack of Bolivian rocks
    From a couple I met on a plane ”

    Simply everyone’s taking Cocaine

    In the jungle old Percy’s supply was near done
    He said this lack of chang is impeding my fun
    When a barer discovered the wreck of a plane
    Fairly stuffed to the gunnels with bales of Cocaine
    For a year did he chatter and gurn
    His remains were returned in an urn

    Well the vicar proclaimed it the poorest of taste
    To be scattering ashes all over the place
    And if as he suspected, the powder were pure
    “We should snort the old goat off the rectory floor”
    So he chopped out old Percy in lines
    Well at first aunty Millie declined

    But she quickly gave in when the reverend stepped in
    And assured her that Percy would waggle his chin
    If he heard that his very last blast
    Was a trip up the old Khyber Pass?
    Then we all shouted hip hip hooray

    Simply everyone’s taking Cocaine

    For bus drivers are tooting it
    Jockey’s are hoofing it
    DJ’s are spinning it
    Gamblers winning it
    Forces manoeuvring it
    Cleaners are hoovering it
    Models are booked on it
    Anglers hooked on it
    Pensioners drawing it
    Footballers scoring it
    Technicians miking it
    PA’s are biking it
    Producers are trying it
    AnR men denying it
    Publishers collecting it
    Lawyers protecting it
    Artists are begging it
    Some of them pegging it
    It seems like it’s simple there’s no one to blame
    For the whole of this nation is taking Cocaine
    Simply everyone’s taking Cocaine

    Oh how gay it all seems and how bright we all are
    How much fun we are having and Oh what a lark
    To have blistering jousting and sharp repartee
    Oh please less less, less, about you
    And please more, more, more, about me

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