
Out of context: Reply #15

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  • black-marmalade0

    Nothing even really maters anymore. Fuck this design superstar shit. What ever happend to everyone just making good work cause hey wanted to and worked with people cause they want to not because of the loot. Design Sucks these days. There is a lack of orignality, everyone is trying to copy the ones that people call the "best" so they can get on. Fuck all of this man. Chuck is a ultra nice dude and he does some dope work. But honestly how many of you are nice dudes and do good work as well. Be focused on you, do you, work for you, and spread the idea of creativity man. The shit that gets talked about on here is fucking irrelavant when it comes to design anyway. While you were on this site fucking hyping up some 19 year old kid and being all on his jock, you could have made a dope design, or contacted people about being in a show, or even started thinking about how you could start a company. I guess what I'm really getting at is just do what it is you do and don't worry about other people and hype them up. It's a sick display that cats are doing this shit. And with that said I will be wasting no more time talking about anything design related on this site again. I will only come here to talk about things other than design. FUCK DESIGN.

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