
Out of context: Reply #14

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  • iDp0


    I sit here writing response after response to you and then deleting it. Simple have no idea what you are talking about. I'd love to debate your 'issues' but it only boils down to the fact that you like to to be misunderstood and can only play the role of devils advocate. I'm not hating on the guy...if I say how much I respect his work one more fucking time in this thread I'm going to start tasting his dick in my mouth...I think youre used to that taste no?

    'first you said, because everything he puts on his site is the press about what?'

    When did I say this? For a self proclaimed wordsmith you twist the words of others a bit much. I said something like 30% of the images on his site are credits of pieces hes done...for instance 'ILLUSTRATION DONE BY CHUCK ___ (insert last name)'. Understand? You tell me then...what is the point of having a shot of only a credit line?? Answer that.

    'ps. i really like your work, but face it, you are a hater when you say stuff like this

    "But everytime I've seen his site I think, jeez this is a cocky bastard "

    First of all...thank you. But also you prove my point and that point is that we as human beings can have an opinion..about things and people...just because you don't like a rap album doesnt make you a hater of rap, it means you dislike that album. I like everything about Chuck except for the ego he portrays. Simple. Truth.

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