all she wrote

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • 18 Responses
  • neeko0

    hey everyone... thanks for the support. no need to worry... not planning anything stupid. the only victim this weekend will be my liver.

    the company i worked for went tits up and shut down. so i assume that counts as being laid off.

    going back to school while im still paying off my first student loan would be a bit rough, but id definitely like to get some formal training if i do have trouble finding a job. i'll most likely just try to keep my doors open, and look at all the options.

    didnt mean for the message to sound desperate, just the emotion of the day i guess... bit nervous and bummed out, down and out financially (doesnt help that i just went out and filled the fridge with beer), but far, far from doing anything really detrimental to my long term health.

    thanks again gang... good to know theres someone to offer you some kidn words or advice when youre in the gutter.

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