Kanye Grammy Grab
Out of context: Reply #18
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- mr_snuggles0
I think there are a lot of standouts around today. Madvillainy was just one of the many great lp's to drop over the past 2 years, that have brought back some of the old school and early 90's values and inventiveness.
I think a lot of us that grew up during the golden era have become jaded bitter-cynics when it comes to the new artists emerging from the "underground" of the mid-late '90's. I've always tried to keep my ear to the ground for hot new shit and I haven't been disappointed in the quality of hip hop for at least the past 8 years.
Hip hop has branched out into to so many sub-categories and styles, it's a music form that has truly evolved incredibly since it's beginnings. It's unfortunate because there are so many ignorant listeners out there that don't bother to dig for new sounds. And a lot that just don't consider some of these new sounds and forms as legitimate hip hop music.
But then again, I'm a nearing 30 year old white guy, so what do I really know?!?