Updated/re-designed my webiste

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • mr_snuggles0

    I hear ya, but what I am trying to sell is the honesty aspect. I wish companies would take a more honest approach to things like advertising or even designers with their own personal promotion. If yer product isn't going to change the world, stop telling me it is.

    The positioning I've taken started with the last version of my site and promos for it. I was taking pot-shots at my work and some common mis-guided notions about the internet. It's kinda difficult to explain but if you go into the "Portfolio" > "Misc" > "postcards" you'll see 2 of the 6 that I sent out. The cards were based on this consumer notion that you can get anything you want on the internet, but I took it to include emotions and even physical assistance. Trying to inforce this sense of honesty and as consumers, people really need to check/look into things further and not take advertising at face value. I'm really not being too clear here, but it's Monday morning and I feel like I have rocks in my head...

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