final email

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • swollenelbow0

    alright, let me just tell you guys that this lady is a client of the company i work for. i didn't know that it was going to turn into a slave trade. there were about 4 points covered in our original contract, and out of the goodness of my own heart i went ahead and did anything and everything to make her site not look like the shit she originally had. yes miss a deadline, make a deadline, whatever, point is that i worked my fuckin ass off for her and what fuckin slack do it get, NOTHING! all i wanted was "ok marco, sure, you know what, i know that you have put a lot of things aside to help me out, why not take a day, finish what you need to finish, and we'll continue from there"

    is that really hard to do? seriously.

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