flyer crit

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • 13 Responses
  • iDp0

    1) Your main objective with this should be to push your girls clothing. Right now it looks like you are going after a bad club cliche flyer from the mid 90's. Give this thing a touch factor give it some class.

    2) I would look into even printing this differently maybe a thin news print type of ink on a thin colored or natural paper. Think classy yet bold and homegrown. Homegrown can usually cost a lot less you just have to get creative with it.

    3) I'm going back to bed, I expect something 'different and interesting when I wake' :)

    check out the stuff he did for anna sui (sp?). Get outside the box on this one...its for a clothing label for gods can do it...I can feel that you will hit this nail on the head.

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