London Freelance Goings On...

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • karlo0

    When I was freelancing I charged 25 quid an hour.

    Some places would only pay 200.

    I EVEN (AND WILL MENTION NAMES) worked for the Pavement for £100 a day.

    What you have to bear in mind is if you dont do it at their price you will only end up sat on your arse at home - so as I see it £100 a day is better than nothing...

    Now then, I also realised that the are ALOT of SHIT freelancers out there AND I MEAN FUCKING SHIT

    For some reason - they always have work too.

    If they charge £20 and you charge £25/£30 - they will always use the cheaper person - shit or not!

    Its a terrible world out there

    Im thinking of getting out to start a coffe shop or a florists

    HOW GAY can you get!!


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