Funniest thing ever.

Out of context: Reply #59

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  • k0na_an0k0

    Ok. Real story.

    A few years ago 4 of us go to Vegas and wind up staying at the NY NY hotel. We're there for 5 days which is ENTIRLY too long of a time to be in Vegas. Anyways, by day 4 my body and mind had just about enough so me and a buddy decide to crash for a few hours before we go out. I'm in one bed and he's in another.

    Some time later we hear a loud thump in the hallway that woke us up. The next thing we know is this person bursts into our room, the door slams agains the wall and starts to run in. It was dark and all the lights were off so we couldn't see who it was, only that it had a lot of hair. Freaked out and thinking we're going to die we instantly jump on the guy. My buddy got their first and got in a good solid punch before I got there and started to wail away. Then the guy started screaming... like a girl. Well... it WAS a girl. It all happened so fast we didn't realize it was a hooker my buddy had picked up and they were coming back to the room for the action. Well, in the time it took her to bust into the room throwing the door against the wall we managed to get in a few good licks before we realized what had happened. Furious she starts yelling and throwing stuff around the room. Then runs out saying how her pimp is going to kill us. The door slams and we all stand there for a second then burst out into laughter. 5 years later we still laugh about that everytime we get together. Ah... the day we beat up a hooker.

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