The Corporation

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • fingercore0

    A person who lacks constraint when satisfying oneself monetarily or whatever is regarded as a psychopath. This person doesn't consider moral consequences, other people's well-being, fails to accept responsibility for their actions, is irresponsible, etc. If these examples are extreme enough, the person is probably considered a psychopath (or sociopath).

    Well, a corporation satisfies itself with profits. This is by definition. If it does so in lieu of other people's well-being--ie, slave-labor, environment destruction, harmful and cancerous products, etc, then why can't they be regarded on the same level as an individual who engages in these activities? The 14th amemdment provides them with the same rights as people, so why not diagnose them as such?!?

    Yes, the world is complex. But I don't see how this is oversimplifying matters. That to me seems like a bullshit copout to excuse corporations' actions.

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