How to deal with...

Out of context: Reply #11

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    i'm gonna have to sound a bit girlie for a minute too.
    if you reaaaaally want to be together, one of you WILL have to sacrifice something.
    either you gotta start looking for jobs near her or she needs to take her school credits and see if she can transfer.
    if neither of you are willing to sacrifice, then it will be a long long long year of waiting and wondering if the other is faithful or has found another love. that isn't to say that it wouldnt work. it might. but a year is a long time to wait.

    i dont mean that to sound harsh. it is just the way that things look from where i am standing.

    my chicky comes to live with me for 3 months. if she isn't dead tired of my awful jokes by the end of that, then i hope to move back to belgium with her. she gave up everything to come to me. and in a few months, i will probably giv eup everything to be with her.

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