America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #3270

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  • HAL90019

    These people are living in constant fear of getting attacked by bad people

    • This is the future she wants
    • That's not a woman, it's a man, baby.YakuZoku
    • All obvious points aside, this idiot Neanderthal doesn't even know the difference between a mag and a clip. They teach that in Gun101.garbage
    • maybe she's still using a m1 garand like if she's still in world war IIpango
    • I have an old ww2 Mauser with Japanese inscriptions in it, uses a clip.YakuZoku
    • I’m sure she knows, and there is no such thing as gun 101. Are you bragging about something or just spouting random thoughts?monospaced
    • i mean it's not entirely impossible but just unlikely. who de hell uses antique for self defence.pango
    • @pangs I'm now picturing her concealing multiple Garands and a Mosin for good measure, all poking out of her dress.garbage
    • @mono You're just out of your depth again. It's pretty common in gun culture that somebody who doesn't know a mag from a clip.. doesn't know guns.garbage
    • And while a Gun101 joke completely sailed over your head, there are firearms education courses and they should be mandatory.garbage
    • Please get whatever hair you have up your ass about me removed. I seem to remember you being interesting back in the day, but now you're just a bitter old man.garbage
    • I know my guns from call of duty >:(pango
    • Haha, no shame. You probably already know this, but my grandfather said they would save wasted Garand clips..garbage
    • toss on the ground and fool the Germans into thinking it was reload time. Full actual clip is waiting.garbage
    • Russians tried to do the same, but if you've never used a stripper clip.. it's pointless and both mechanisms can potentially fuck your fingers up.garbage
    • Which is why magazines overtook clips as the superior tech. I guarantee you some of her supporters facepalmed when she said "clip".garbage
    • i was just joking... we have guns in canada...pango
    • who doesn't like "bear arms"? So fuzzy...Nutter
    • @pangz I know, I was mostly just overexplaining to show mono that he didn't know what he was talking about.garbage
    • I'm still kicking myself for not getting an SVT40 when they were ultra-cheap in Canada. They used to be about 200 plus customs and paying an FFL.garbage
    • Now you're lucky if you find one of them for 1500 to start.garbage
    • How does she know they are "a killer"?skinny_puppy
    • You’re dissing me because I don’t know gun culture? Fucking clown anss. Also nobody gives a fuck about mags or clips, and the 101 thing didn’t go over my head.monospaced
    • Pretty much anyone who is in gun culture is a second or third rate dumb fuck to me so carry on waxing retard over it. So cool derp derp.monospaced
    • And you were never interesting. Maybe you think talking to me like you know even the slightest thing about me makes you feel better? Fucking weirdo.monospaced
    • Eh,I only skimmed that. Oh no, mono called me a retard again. Yawn, seek anger management courses. You can't handle being wrong.garbage

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