Out of context: Reply #147

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  • Ramanisky24

    Currently trending

    • one nation under elonneverscared
    • oooh the edge, so bants
    • I can't wait for Elon's X hate platform to implode.utopian
    • Rot hoddy_niko
    • lolpalimpsest
    • Woof. It would be so funny if there was a holiday where these folks had to read their tweets in public.garbage
    • The beatdowns will continue until morale improves.garbage
    • Twitter is spinning down the hole rapidly. never look at the comments section under any post related to politics or social matter... its awfulHAL9001
    • wrong. It’s glorious and more than befitting for any asshat who bothers to visitmonospaced
    • Agreed monoYakuZoku
    • Most of Twitter is shit, but it was an absolutely essential tool in organization things ranging from the Arab Spring to BLM protests or HK events.garbage
    • Mono always bitches and moans about Twitter, but it comes across as "old man yells at computer".garbage
    • There are plenty of studies that show Twitter was effective at creating a non-human leadership actor in which better decisions were made in organizing protests.garbage
    • Twitter was an effective political tool if basic SEO doesn't stub your toes. Some people are just too old for the internet.garbage
    • The fact you can’t cite a single instance of me bitching and moaning about twitter should tell you something about how fucking confused and wrong you are.monospaced
    • While all you do is bitch and whine about me, and then mansplain like captain fuckface obvious about basic shit everyone already knows.monospaced
    • And no, this isn’t a matter of me being old. If your goal is to just be a condescending cunt who makes wildly absurd assumptions, then congrats.monospaced
    • You sound like that euro neck beard Balkanized junior UI bitch that used to lurk around here. Thought he knew everything and everyone hated him.monospaced
    • I think he was like 20 years old, and he thought he was a good designer, and that twitter was the shit. lol.monospaced
    • grafician didn't say a peep.palimpsest

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