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  • CyBrainX4

    My anxiety.
    It's become quite unbearable lately. I'm usually very chill but every few years something comes up that really puts me though the ringer.

    • I don't know if this is A Thing, but I've heard of a few people our age having anxious episodes recently. I mean, given how fucked things are, it's no surpriseNairn
    • I mean, like people who've spent the last decades of their life not being the anxious sort. Myabe it's Baader Meinhof, or maybe it's something in the air.Nairn
    • Work is so busy I didn't have a day off, even weekends for at least two weeks. Despite that the company announced layoffs the first day of the year that are...CyBrainX
    • ...finally happening soon. Everything feels like a sign I'm going to be let go. I've been through it many times but it doesn't get easier, only more traumatic.CyBrainX
    • Fuck man I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this CyBrain ... went through a similar thing with work 4 years ago.Ramanisky2
    • Ugh. Lifelong sufferer here. I feel your pain. I could give you practical advice about meditation and giving up coffee and reading news, but...jagara
    • ... you already Googled this.jagara
    • Yeah. I have researched. I exercise all the time to begin with. I almost never drink alcohol, no coffee, etc. Meditation is a big help.CyBrainX
    • Sorry to hear that CyBrainX. Even if they don't let you off, maybe start looking for something more 'secure' so you don't have it looming again in the future?Nutter
    • I had an interview on Friday and another tomorrow. Tomorrow's is more of a long shot. If I don't lose my job I'll take it as a stay of execution, not a reprieveCyBrainX
    • Sounds good man :)Nutter
    • Remember that anxiety is a physical manifestation of your subconscious. Tried therapy? It has helped me immensely. I recommend Emotional-Focused Therapy.jagara
    • I have my first session on Friday. I've had therapists in the past for various other reasons that resolved or improved.CyBrainX

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