
Out of context: Reply #45

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  • drgs-1

    ^Wokeness is fundamentally conservative.
    "Left is the new right" etc

    "What we have is a bizarre situation where the woke insist on rigidity in everything to do with race yet demand fluidity in everything to do with sex and gender. They see race as fixed and gender as changeable. This represents the worst of both worlds. Why? Because it discourages something that is actually very positive – cultural and social interaction between different races of people – and it encourages something which really doesn’t make much sense or hold much scientific water: the idea that you can change sex simply by declaring it. It frowns upon racial sharing and cheers sexual delusion.

    The end result of both of these woke approaches is to promote a peculiarly conservative view of the world. ‘Whites and blacks shouldn’t mix too much, and if a boy acts in a feminine way then he is probably really a woman.’ In short, racial groups should know their place, and feminine traits in boys must be corrected with drugs that allow those boys to realise their true selves as women. Somehow, the youthful, supposedly progressive PC movement has ended up promoting a deadeningly old-fashioned view of both racial issues and gender roles. There is nothing more socially stifling and innately hostile to the idea of human mixing and human diversity right now than the PC outlook."



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