Dall-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion (etc) - who's playing, and with which?

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  • imbecile3

    • Layout too?palimpsest
    • no. the panels come from chatgpt descriptions run through MJ at different aspect ratios, then i collaged itimbecile
    • Is this what you envisioned in your head when you were prompting it?toemaas
    • Really consistent style too. That side panel is really coolPhanLo
    • I didn’t really have a vision. just proof of concept. Never even read the panel descriptions, just prompt copy paste aspect ratio.imbecile
    • I’m confident that if someone wanted to put a script together, art directing the storyline would be a breeze, then just drop in dialog manually.imbecile
    • If you wanted to make it all AI you would have to start with the story first. I would love to see AI building a story from the panels though.palimpsest
    • it is all ai, image generations are based on chatgpt outputimbecile
    • I was talking about adding a script/text: "drop in dialog manually".
      It's already impressive as it is mainly because the style is consistent.
    • Add AI layout and script and it's even more impressive. It still shows we got ways to go.palimpsest
    • Creating a script from an image prompt would be really out there. It's easier to interpret a text prompt than an image prompt.palimpsest
    • Yeah. I'm interested in seeing how it would interpret prompts for simple storyboarding. I see a lot of stuff, but there is no connection to the people....toemaas
    • ...generating it. It looks cool, but is it what they want? I just don't want to waste my time if nothing looks the way I want it. I get the feeling that,...toemaas
    • ... in the world of film, you are at the mercy of what A.I. "Generates" and it will never be able to actually generate what you envision. The choices I make...toemaas
    • ... and the compositions I want are deliberate and have metaphorical meaning. Will A.I. understand what I'm trying to get at?toemaas
    • ask it.imbecile
    • @Toemass you can block out scenes in 3d and then add extra bits in AI. Depends how far you want it to go. You could then tidy it up in Photoshop.PhanLo
    • @phanlo - yeah, that seems like a more practical approach. Like good VFX - it's there to complement, not replace - why a lot of marvel movies can be shit.toemaas
    • I was a bit like you, tried to get shots then it didn't work and ended up just learning the 3D stuff. It's really useful, but having an eye for shots or even...PhanLo
    • ...a degree of taste will still be important. In the last while in the studio we'd been making cool visuals with it, but you can only view them from one anglePhanLo

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