Artificial Intelligence

Out of context: Reply #583

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  • palimpsest2

    I would like to hear the opinion of those who believe that human input into AI is not work, and that the output is a product of the machine, not the human behind it.
    I see using AI to create images as similar to using a camera. In both cases, you choose a subject, adjust settings: aperture and speed on one, prompt & variations on another. And finally, you "just" press a button and the machine "does all the work" for you.
    I'm not talking about the quality of the output, or whether or not it's art. I'm talking about claiming ownership of the output and considering the thought you put into it as work. Not work in a professional sense, but the work of the human consciousness behind the output.
    Is taking a picture with a camera or outputting an image with AI comparable?
    Thanks for your input.

    • If you generate 1000 images and use your artistic taste to pick out 5 good ones, then I would consider it to be your product. Similar methods have existedbeforedrgs
    • I wasn't even going that far. Pick a random cunt on the street give 1 of them a camera and the other an AI. Is 1 of them putting in more work than the other?palimpsest
    • Can one of them claim the result more his own than the other?palimpsest
    • Now let's spice things up a bit and add a third cunt to the mix. Let's give this fellow the noble paper and charcoal.palimpsest
    • This new fellow might take a bit longer to produce something but I believe all 3 idiots are equally responsible for the shit they will produce, not the tools.palimpsest
    • They are responsible for their shit only if: before creating art they wanted to convey something to the world, and the result matches their intention.drgs
    • How much work they've put into it does not matter. No point in drawing, no point in taking photographs, no point in dancing if you have nothing to say with itdrgs
    • Considering the camera isnt using 413 million image-text pairs as it's base training set I still believe dude with camera is still doing more work.jonny_quest_lives
    • Guy with camera bends his knees or gets on his belly for a sweet photo... definitely doing more work. A bit of cardio if you go out with a camera.jonny_quest_lives
    • What is the camera taking a picture of? Not something that already exists?palimpsest
    • Is reality is made up of less than 413 million things?palimpsest
    • If I throw my laptop on the floor and type with my tongue does AI become more work?palimpsest
    • it is work. It's a ton of gruelling frustrating work. every time I try something it comes out like shit so kudos to those who have cracked the code._niko
    • The whole argument is reductive in the end its about effort. If the midjourney user copied prompts selected the best of 4 options and posted it as creation I'djonny_quest_lives
    • I'd say no effort if the user approached the tool with a concept before hand and refined it edited all outside of what was ai generated then there's a bit morjonny_quest_lives
    • Then there's the messiness of who the models are trained and consent of the work in the datasetsjonny_quest_lives
    • Digital cameras didn't destroy photography there is still a business model there. The same with AI. If anything Artists are better adapted to make it throughjonny_quest_lives
    • this prompt craziness as they have the necessary skills to elevate what the machine puts out.jonny_quest_lives
    • As for your comparison... If a photographer is going out to experience/explore the world and capture light on surface or human interaction on the streets.jonny_quest_lives
    • I'd say the guy with camera is probably experiencing the world differently than the AI prompter and the work would be a reflection of that.jonny_quest_lives
    • Art direction/photo editing is more comparable to AI prompting then photography...jonny_quest_lives
    • Limited my comparison to single guy with camera... you add in human subjects. real world lighting/weather, permits if commercial shoot. Yeah guy with camera .jonny_quest_lives

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