
Out of context: Reply #74225

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  • Ianbolton-2

    I can't work out what's going on with the Balenciaga story. Is this the whole 'Cuties' argument again where people are getting all worked up saying 'art/fashion' is over sexualising children? We sometimes talk about censorship, but it seems we're doing it ourselves through outrage and misinterpretation more than anything else. But again, I don't get the whole story and can't be arsed to be trawling through pages and pages of yet more hate and projection to find out.

    Can anyone fill me in, so to speak.

    • Ah, cheers. Now i've got a solid in my pants. Seems ridiculous if you ask me.Ianbolton
    • Rage baitscarabin
    • The campaign included images of documents from a a Supreme Court decision that upheld a federal statute related to pornography that includes minorsGnash
    • I remember the miner's strike of the 80's.
      Is it connected to that?
    • Was it intentional?drgs
    • Solid in your pants?autoflavour

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