
Out of context: Reply #6166

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  • imbecile0

    It's Kary Mullis, not Karry nor Marry

    Not only is he proud of his invention, he defended it in a case against DuPont in 1991. One can only presume if the Henchman was correct above, Kary would have rescinded his Nobel Prize that he won for his work on PCR while working for Cetus.

    We also have Kary to thank for his work on protecting humans from anthrax.

    Additionally, Paul Rabinow wrote a book on the history of the PCR method in 1996, in which he discusses whether Mullis "invented" PCR or merely came up with the concept of it.

    As much as Hench would like to lie about things as he does, he overlooked the fact that later patents were unenforceable for their similarity to works already existing as early as 1976 and 1980.

    Give Kary all the credit for your lie, Hench. Other people did the work, too. Oh, and it works.


    • btw, go fuck yourself, Henchimbecile
    • So... The only fact I'm seeing here is that I spelt Kary wrong.... Correct?Hench
    • It's a stupid American name anyway so I'm not too sad about my mistake.. How about pick me up on one of the issues that count?Hench
    • you are very sad and very incorrect. you knock reuters, but copy pasted drivel from somewhere elseimbecile
    • Ok first of all, I've quoted nothing but my own words... Secondly... I'm still waiting for facts rather than feelings...Hench
    • Why am I incorrect? If you can prove me wrong then I'll rethink my beliefs... That's what a smart person does ...Hench
    • You're desperate for me to be wrong because if I'm not the consequences of your realisation are too painful to process. I get it, and I'm truly sorry...Hench
    • Still waitingHench

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