Politically Correct OTD

Out of context: Reply #302

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  • drgs0

    Why I think wokeness is so hard to get down with and why most people secretly despise transsexuals: It's not because of their orientation per se, but there is something about their attitude which makes them unbearable...

    A transgender right activist (for example) is happy to meet a likeminded person, who supports transgenders, but they are even happier to meet someone who doesn't.
    There is some kind of pleasure in conflict for them. All minorities either need someone to hate or to be hated to define themselves, otherwise they just blend in with the rest population (which ironically is their goal on paper).

    The explanation is always the same: sexual dissatisfaction, and sexually dissatisfied people are motivated in general, in regards to any objective.



    • the easier life becomes for you, the more you find things to bitch about.hotroddy
    • The Hadza are a modern hunter-gatherer people living in northern Tanzania. They don't have time to complain because they are busy looking for the next hunt.hotroddy
    • people in all countries bitch about authoritarian and draconian measures.hotroddy
    • In poorer countries they bitch about not having enough food. In rich countries, they bitch about wanting to be identified as a cat.hotroddy
    • Actually, when dealing with transactivists/LGBT... it's almost never the "victims" themselves, but proxies, someone who represents themdrgs
    • (Young white cisgender people)drgs
    • Most people just want to be treated with some common decency regardless of their race, gender or level of victimhood. But I see arguments against that tooIanbolton
    • To sum up, sexually dissatisfied people like to argue. I see it in some older folks, toodrgs
    • That's me down to a tee mate ;-)Ianbolton
    • Arent we alldrgs
    • Not all rich countries I reckon. Primarily a problem for the US and its bitches, the UK, Aus etc.MrT

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