Artificial Intelligence

Out of context: Reply #182

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  • neverscared1

    The images of DALL-E are amazing, but the AI ​​is not starting from scratch. If they can create them, it is because they have been trained with millions of images from the internet. What this AI does is base itself on the images that match the key elements of the description that we give it.

    DALL-E works with the images of creators who do not receive anything in return: what copyright says about AI…

    • This is true but every single artist and artwork ever created was based on or influenced by some other artist or artwork_niko
    • the extent of this is much more greater than just a tool for visualizing context.sted
    • this shows how the legal contradiction around AI provides a basis for stealing technologies and breaking the barriers that kept the world more or less at peace.sted
    • yes but here its literaly in the ontolgy of the artwork not just a little inspiration.. it would be easy to track every pic used by the a.i generating...neverscared
    • easy.... it shuld be mandatory to publish that file with the creative output file...neverscared
    • ontology.... not just a labby dubby influence .. right there on the formal level...neverscared
    • This is true but every single artist and artwork ever created was based on or influenced by some other artist or artwork = very dumb generalisation...neverscared
    • I would say AI should get a credit in works but we don’t credit PS when it does content aware fill or other tricksscarabin
    • I feel like it’s just a tool doing the same shit any other concept designer does- ingest others’ work and output some variation thereofscarabin
    • Eh, it's just sampling.robotinc
    • It's not just sampling. Said it a million times here, but all of these social media games and trials are to generate a library.garbage
    • GANs requires a discriminatory network that provides free input and feedback to the generative network.garbage
    • As soon as it passes the realness smell test efficiently, there will be no need for scripters. DALL-E-2 is going to swamp a lot of young artists.garbage
    • Unless you think that clients are a discerning bunch (lol).garbage
    • Because they know they can query exactly what any one image is comprised of, and it’s a legal issue so complex, and one that would dismantle the core of theirneverscared
    • business. they’re focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel & hoping a bill doesn’t arrive.

      Not the best approach.
    • The final engines will be hyper-exclusive. If some artist wants to make a case for stolen work, they're going against a corp with a war chest.garbage
    • Imagine the AI version of feathering, and also corporations claiming creative use.garbage
    • Plus in the hypothetical that you're still using Facebook or IG in 2022, you should know that Meta has the rights to use any of your image since 2009.garbage
    • You think any of these corps are really worried about some flea of a settlement when they mass appropriate actual art until the lines are so blurred..garbage
    • ..that the artist doesn't exist anymore? That is what's going to happen.garbage
    • it's not Dall-e that's culpable then, its the "artist" who imputes the query string. Dall-e is just a tool. If I say make a painting of Michael Jordan in the..._niko
    • style of Basquiat it's a lazy and blatant rip off. But I can also go into detail and art-direct Dall-e by telling it what colours to use, brush stroke and lengt_niko
    • ...composition, elements, etc etc until I also get a Michael Jordan painting in the style of Basquiat. Dall-e then becomes no more liable than say photoshop._niko
    • That's the whole point. People are building a discriminative library for free. And then when people who know what they're doing give input..garbage
    • ..on brush strokes and colors, that's also what goes into training the AI. For a while the job will be driving the GAN, but eventually it will be..garbage
    • convincing that it can go on autopilot. Ffs, the "A" in GAN stands for "adversarial".garbage
    • and re: PS, Adobe is already dipping their toes in the water with Sensei. If you're in your 30s and working in this field, you will be irrelevant. Fun stuff.garbage
    • AI will fight its own lawsuits - invalidate copyright law, by proving with a small margin of error all human art derivativekingsteven
    • Yes the AI takes influence of it's pixels from all images it knows on a subject yet it replicates none of the pixels.
      No copyright is infringed.

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