Shooting of the Day

Out of context: Reply #2518

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  • palimpsest3

    If all the other countries in the world had the same gun laws as America would they have the same proportion of school shootings?

    • Unlikely, I think. Well, for the most part, anyway. I think it's in large part a cultural issue.Continuity
    • Which is to say: guns simply aren't adored as much elsewhere as they are in the US.Continuity
    • But, then, who knows, actually. Maybe availability would create interest, and also bring the crazies out.Continuity
    • i dunno - as a member of a gun club here in the uk, i see all manner of unsuitable people on guest days eager to get their hands on a gun and shoot it.hans_glib
    • they don't make it past our admission policy but they're out there alright.hans_glib
    • Eventually, most likely. It also takes years of Fox News and a festering culture of murder and conspiracy theory to help those numbers along.CyBrainX
    • Maybe the fervour for freedom and individualism plays a bigger part in American gun culture than the laws themselves.palimpsest
    • I think that at this point America is beyond salvation.palimpsest
    • Well, part of the problem here is equating guns with freedom. I would argue freedom *from* guns is the better freedom to have. Hence, control laws.Continuity
    • Two Concepts of Liberty.palimpsest
    • In the end, yup.
      And it's also a question of competing values.
    • mass murder with guns is an American tradition now. It's a 'cultural' phenomenon. No point in trying to work out why, just accept it.PhanLo
    • It's a bit like the Mayans and their ritual sacrifice.PhanLo
    • Scandies and Swiss have high gun ownership, but.. better-functioning social and economic nets for a greater number.Nairn

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