Signs your getting old?

Out of context: Reply #1294

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  • Nairn1

    The 'new' boots I recently bought are basically that - I've bought them for next winter, not this one. And, at that - they're like the sixth or seventh pair of the exact-same type of boot I've bought since about 2004 or something. I'm so fucking dull.

    I'm unsure if this marks me as old, as I've basically been doing this since my late twenties, but I have multiple sets of the exact-same clothing combination - long sleeve tee, typically dark blue, jeans, boots. I wear the same shit Every Day, with only slight variations on the theme.

    In my late twenties it was Maharishi snopants and some 'fancy' trainers, but that verve has long-since died in me.

    • oops. '^' to imbecile's post, although I totally agree with Jagara's sentiment on over-priced shitty footwear.Nairn
    • It bemuses me seeing chavs in Balenciagas - like, "You spent a whole paycheque on THOSE?! They cost like £5 to manufacture".Nairn
    • On my 11th (or so) pair of black Vans Era.jagara
    • What are the boots?drgs
    • The only boots I ever post here - https://www.gooutdoo…Nairn
    • They're the plainest least bullshat boots I've found. Not techwhizz, not too fuddy duddy, just .. boots. They added in a small detail in the heel a couple ...Nairn
    • ..of years back (that 90° L detail) and I wrote to them to please not do any more of that. I fucking hate moulded 'design' on boots, a la..Nairn
    • .. https://www.jackson-…Nairn
    • @Nairn: if you wear same stuff every day, spice it up with non-matching socks, it works for me :)rzu-rzu
    • Way ahead of you - wearing non-matching (but. same. type - VERY IMPORTANT!) socks. Can't see them under boots and trousers though :)Nairn

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