
Out of context: Reply #5990

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  • PhanLo2

    My wife got the rona, she's currently quarantined the spare room. Just waiting on results of a PCR test to see if my son or myself have it.
    Lateral flow tests showing negative.
    Turns out the event we went to in Blackpool was a super spreader.

    • Aren't all events in Blackpool spreaders of one thing or another?Nairn
    • There were was a tussle happening up the street ahead of us on the way home. The usual pissed idiocy, in the argument I heard one guys shout 'You're Scottish...PhanLo
    • ... I bet you want me to get a haggis and ram it up your arse? that's what you Scots like?'
      The place is an open sewer
    • Hope it's nothing too serious and you all get well fast
      Best wishes!
    • So far so good, weird it's the first time she's had a cold in 3 years. Cheers GrafPhanLo
    • @PhanLo hope it's minor and your wife and fam shake it off soonKrassy
    • Now come to think, all the recent cases I know of were all women of the families, but had no serious symptoms, very mildgrafician
    • Hey, I hope she gets over it quickly!Chimp
    • Stay Healthy. We didn't have colds for 3 years too. Then my wife ran a 5K super spreader run and gave it to the whole family.fooler
    • Phanlo go to boots or tesco and get some vicks first defense NOW https://images.ctfas…cherub
    • https://images.ctfas…cherub
    • ^get that, and get some zinc acetate lozenges maybe vicks brand too? also vitamin D don't delay the virus multiplies quicklycherub
    • zinc interferes with virus replication, it can't multiply properly in the presence of zinccherub
    • are you having any body aches or chills? headache?cherub
    • The Black Pool of death?shapesalad
    • DOYR!shapesalad
    • I feel fine, I spoke to an old mate who got me some heroinPhanLo
    • that'll perk you right upscarabin
    • ROFL at Nairns first comment.microkorg
    • @PhanLo awesome, except that it was the grocery store lady and you bought for food for the kid. make sure to check for fever at home :Dsted
    • Got it too this week, started with heart pains. Then sore throat, aches, dry just sitting in cold symptoms. Pretty sure omicron cos no lung issues.inteliboy
    • It took me 8 days from our youngest catching it before I got sick. She needed lots of hugs to feel better, so it’s not llike I wasn’t exposed right away.monNom
    • inteliboy yeah once your body decides to fight it the body pains, chills, and flu come in full force. I spiked a fever of 38.cherub
    • sorry to hear Phan.utopian
    • My PCR came back negative and my wife seems to be feeling better. Just have to hear about my sons PCR now.PhanLo
    • thas great fuckin news mate! :)cherub
    • @cherub I got some of that Vicks spray too, just in case. Have a week of meetings next week and would be a dull one to have to stay home. :-)PhanLo
    • It's not wasteful to use as a precaution remember with covid the first 2 days are often asymptomatic. During that time you'd want to stop replication. I caughtcherub
    • the dangerous Italian variant of covid and I really think the aggressive taking of the zinc lozenges and vicks(zinc spray) prevented a nasty hospital stay.cherub
    • I've not yet seen anyone in my personal orbit catch it, take the zinc aggressively once symptoms start, and end up in A&E. They all recovered. Hope u fare well.cherub
    • My wife is still in Covid jail the now, but hopefully the next few days she'll test negative. My son seems fine, his test was negative too.PhanLo
    • Wife is still in cornteen. She's going stir crazy. Out of covid jail on saturday she reckons.PhanLo

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