
Out of context: Reply #5987

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  • kingsteven6

    Guy I've known for years in his early 30s just contacted me, hadn't heard from him in a few months, he got Covid in November and was in ICU, very nearly died... just back at home but he's fucked. Met him playing the survival game Rust on his server and ended up developing plugins for him. Real nice guy, a bit eccentric and big in to crypto farming, games and an O.G. anti vaxxer (banging on about it several years before the pandemic).

    I don't play Rust any more but every few months I get a Discord DM something isn't working and log on to fix it... Last time was about 6 months ago when I realised he'd changed all the server loading messages to statements about Covid not being real etc. which was funny because he would also complain about the dwindling number of players :-D

    He's over the worst of it hopefully and least now he's got antibodies but ffs I've had a few unvaccinated friends get it really bad (one in his 50s was in a coma for 4 weeks and miraculously has recovered, his girlfriend died) but they were just lazy about getting vaxxed (although his brother was antivaxx and probably influenced him - he's changed his tune now)...

    The whole thing got me thinking about my housemate in my 20s that found a lump on his balls and (unbeknownst to me) had a fear of hospitals, kept it to himself, started drinking heavily and acting erratically. I had to contact a few of his closest friends out of concern for his emotional state, they eventually found out the problem and got him to go to hospital but by that point it was too late and he was dead within months. I miss him and think about him often but I've never really forgiven him for being so wreckless and it surprises me how angry I am at him over a decade later. I think it's only me and a few others that know that he knew about it and did nothing for so long.

    Anyway, I have a few others with similar views to the server guy and they're all loveable eccentric folks - i've been ignoring a few and have had to block some others but not sure if they realise how much of the anger directed at them is that regardless of where their concerns lie about the vaccine their friends will interpret it as walking about saying "I've got a lump on my balls and i'm not going to the doctor". I'll do my thing and you do yours and when it's all said and done let me be angry, none of us have time for this.

    Check your balls

    • Health is wealth; mental AND physical.

      Thanks for sharing. Life feels extra heavy these days for so many reasons BUT speaking about it always helps...
    • +1oey_oey
    • ...The problem (as you touched on) it when it's not talked about OR ignored.

      I'm guilty of that too; trying to reach out more these days.
    • Bit of a meandering blog post but aye, going to put in effort to just telling both myself and friends to shut the fuck up about it rather than arguingkingsteven
    • nice postFax_Benson
    • how is your anecdote relevant here? that people in their 20s die too?pr2
    • folks have made their choices and life is too short to argue. if they can't talk about anything else they're bores. i wont gloat if it bites them in the ass...kingsteven
    • Yes, 'my body, my choice' isnt a soley self-effecting action. It leaves a crater.Brabo_Brabo
    • do you get it though? it's annoying because you wont fuck up about it. like a smoker (which i am) talking about how much they love fags. i don't care if youkingsteven
    • love fags, and i dont care if they're bad for you... stop complaining about the ban on smoking in public places, no one gives a clotshit :Dkingsteven
    • I'd like to talk less about pureblood life. But it's like veganism or crossfit.. too good not to share!Brabo_Brabo
    • haha, good analogykingsteven

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