
Out of context: Reply #5478

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  • nb4

    Ben Garrison won't seek care in a hospital because he believes health care providers have motivation to let patients die.

    "I would never go to a hospital with COVID. Robert David Steele did it a few weeks ago and they killed him. The hospitals get extra money for COVID death reports, which is necessary to keep fear ramped up," Garrison told Gizmodo.

    What the fuck.... imagine believing that nurses & doctors have agreed to let patients die because their administrators told them the hospital makes more money that way.

    This kind of thinking is totally detached from reality. Like have you never worked anywhere before? Can you not do the most basic critical thinking before you believe such nonsense

    • Maybe he'll die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯FNP14
    • i always wondered what business model is that? how are they making money on the dead people since the entire medicare is about saving your ass so you can paysted
    • My family doctor told me that. He actually believes that some doctors are getting paid to report non-COVID deaths as COVID relatedGnash
    • Ugh. Now I have to find a new doctor. What a painGnash
    • is he the same Dr. on the Danforth that's selling vaccine "proof" for $1500 a pop lol_niko
    • Lol, no! But he’s nearby :)Gnash
    • lol I just realized I drove through his town a week or so ago while going to Flathead Lake in Montana. Could have gotten an autograph from a dying moron.garbage
    • Were there arrows and signs everywhere, showing the direction and location of his house?face_melter
    • Lol I wish. There were tons of billboards like this:…garbage
    • Lot's of antagonism if you wore a mask, even in Missoula. Big fucking surprise that they are spiking.garbage

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