UK is Fucked

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  • Fax_Benson4

    According to Andrew Whitaker, planning director of the Home Builders Federation, these newbuild houses are what people want.

    “If you ask kids to draw a house, they’ll draw the Play School house, with a door in the middle, windows each side, and a pitched roof”…


    • Those places are hellscapes. Folk already parked on the pavement because the roads aren't wide enough.PhanLo
    • i live in a new build. the rooms are small, ceilings low, luckily we have a 2 car drive. garage wont fit a car in. no storage at all in the housetrooperbill
    • the whole thing is so depressing. Cabe could have been a great start and attracted architects back to mass / public house buildingFax_Benson
    • It's really short term thinking. Good for the developers, but they never help improve the infrastructure around the sites, jst more congestion, lack of servicesPhanLo
    • ‘We design houses like children” is an odd flexscarabin
    • Same with all the grim, and highly expensive, blocks of flats going up across London. Cheaply built with shit generic brick cladding applied.Nairn
    • I used to work with an Italian architect, just moved to the UK. Asked me "Why do you design your new houses to look like old ones? Why not create new designs?"BaskerviIle
    • u can hear le corbusier from the grand beyond crying over this mess...neverscared
    • To be fair it might be a reaction against the horrible modernist tower blocks built in the 60s and 70s. Although I hate this style too.Chimp
    • My dad used to finishing joinery on places like these and the new 'luxury flats' he said they were built to just meet the standards, just barely.PhanLo
    • The room sizes are like a packet of sweets from B&M's, it seems a good price until you get home and realise it's 2/3rds the size of a normal bag of sweets.PhanLo
    • We just bought a house in UK. The new builds wer strange. Really not what we wanted. Small rooms, tiny gardens, looked over, expensive, cars parked everywhere.Hayzilla

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