
Out of context: Reply #5149

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  • mathinc6

    I JUST had a user interview call with a decent size company. During the call, this lady was asked to share her screen so she can show how she uses the product. She starts trying to get this other guy to do it instead, but he's pretty insistent she does the demo.

    So she relents and says "I just need to shut down some retail therapy windows."

    Everyone laughs.

    Then she says, "I'm trying to order Costco Delivery before tomorrow." [pause] "Got to get toilet paper before everything goes nuts tomorrow."

    Her boss says, "Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow?"

    Woman: "You know..."

    Boss: "No I don't know, should I?"

    Woman: "Yeah you should. The nanoparticles you have in you, they're doing a 5G test.. it's going to be bad for people who got the jab..."

    Boss: ...

    Me: :-|

    • : )dbloc
    • Tomorrow?!? ...... What time ?Ramanisky2
    • Not sure, but I guess we're gettin' that Bill Gates 5G tomorrow!! Party at my house.mathinc
    • I would be on mute making popcorn.monospaced
    • so glad i got that water up the ass injector thing, I'm ready.GuyFawkes
    • awesome way to get rid of your annoying co-worker while doing things you should have done yesterday.sted
    • I can go one day without shittin’nb
    • My reception on my phone is pretty bad, I hope the 5G update helps. I hope it doesn't make my brain melt out my nose thoughPhanLo
    • Amazing! Can't wait for more stories about this person.instrmntl
    • Has this really happened? My former neighbor told me in 1999 the eclipse is going to end our lives but your story tops this by far!SimonFFM
    • How does toilet paper help?drgs
    • Well, today happened. Have you followed up with her? Is she okay?monospaced
    • It is god damned 3pm here and no 5G powers yet. Something is wrong w my nanoparticles. You guys?mathinc

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