Politically Correct OTD

Out of context: Reply #219

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  • drgs1


    Robby Soave's explanation to the generational shift:

    It all started with pedohysteria in early 80s. Children were not allowed to be alone outside and had to have a babysitter at all times, surrounded with a ring of care and supervision, like in prison. As a result, a new generation has grown up that does imagine itself without forced protection from authorities and adults.
    Today they are 30-40 yo, all have rotting neovaginas, but still consider themselves children, they eat antipsychotics by the handful, panic at the thought of sexual touch and demand to have a babysitter.

    The French were right, underage sex should have been legalized:

    The lesson is always the same: If you want freedom of speech, make no exceptions. Either we have freedom of speech and it includes Nazism, propaganda of pedophilia and child porn, or we don't have any freedom at all. You can live with some exceptions for a while, but this state is unstable and inevitably turns into tyranny:

    "100 years ago yesterday — on July 29, 1921 — Adolph Hitler was elected leader of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party, later known as the Nazi Party. A young Jewish Internet commentator named Manny Marotta wanted to call attention to the date, for educational purposes. He is very much the opposite of a Nazi or a fascist, and posts about history in the hope that people will learn from it. “I have a step-grandmother who’s a Holocaust survivor,” he says. “That’s part of the reason I started the account.”

    Nonetheless, Instagram pulled Marotta’s post on Hitler’s election, saying it violated “community guidelines.” When he appealed the decision, the rejected him again, saying his content went against their guidelines on “violence or dangerous organizations”"

    "Algorithms aren't our problem. The tech giants aren't really our main problem either.
    Our big problem is that a large portion of the population no longer believes in free speech, and that portion skews young. And journalists--journalists!!!--are among the worst.
    That's what enables the gradual strangulation of free speech.
    I'm getting old, but I don't even know how to argue with these people. How can they not see how stupid this is, how it will certainly lead to disaster?
    It's like trying to persuade people that oxygen is necessary.

    I listened to Matt on Jane Coaston (great podcast) trying to explain to the host and another journalist why they should be bothered by censorship. He finally said is exasperation "yes, and why does that not bother you!" That's always rhetorical, since it's impossible to explain why you are not bothered by something.

    If you were born before a certain date, the 1st amendment has a special status that simply doesn't exist today and no amount of telling people they should care will change that. We increasingly incarcerate people for doing things that in a previous generation would have fallen under protected speech. I'm reminded of that Star Trek Episode where a group of people who had a US Constitution now worshiped it as a religious document only the priests could read and even they didn't really understand it. You can create so many carve out and exception to a right that it ends up protecting almost nothing. US history is a 225 year process of doing just that.

    I don't know if this helps, but a few thousand years ago Polybius discussed the problem you raise in "The Histories." The further people get from the reason people build a democracy, the more people undervalue, ignore and take for granted it's primary features. This leads to oligarchy, they dictatorship, and if you survive long enough back to democracy, but each fails because the next generation always forgets the reason it was established in the first place."

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