Out of context: Reply #433

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  • Nairn0

    Illustrator and its random insistence upon artefacting a bounding box representing something that doesn't exist, that somehow attracts itself into the selection of every pasted object, necessitating a close of the file then having to set up all the fucking parameters for outputting. FU.

    It's been doing this for many versions now, this isn't something new thing.

    • In a group somewhere?
      That looks like an embedded file placeholder? I might be wrong tho, but check your links
    • No links. Nothing embedded. I work solely with vectors most of the time :) There's nothing selected (as per right highlight) - the bounding box Simply Exists.Nairn
    • lol, i pixellated details to 3 pixels and as the downscaling here in QBN is more than half, it renders the blurred bits readable again, hahahaNairn
    • There could also be a type field with just a space in it, or an EPS bound imported from somewhere
      This doesn't seem to be an Ai bug...
    • There literally isn't. I've been using Illy a while now, I know when it's just being a twat.

      It's a bug. My bug. I am become Samsa.
    • Ok then, new tactic: select all the layers, copy - open new Ai file - paste
      if that ghost object is still there, then you clearly have an extra object somewhere
    • ^this way you don't need to reset all your measurement settings etc to identify the missing object...my 2 centsgrafician
    • Each new document restarts the print settings, which leaves me back where I was.Nairn
    • No Nairn! I was saying just copy-paste the elements into a new doc to identify more easily where the ghost element is man lol
      not to print from a new file!
    • That doesn't gain me anything more useful than closing and starting again. It's a bug. An aberration. A slight against my very being. A loathsome, hideous thingNairn
    • That's some crazy behavior. I've never experienced that.CyBrainX

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