Suggest a bad movie

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  • nb1

    Watched this again. It’s not good. Heath Ledger is fantastic in it but Bale is goofy. It starts off really strong (by copying Heat) but the last hour of this movie is a mess of shit. The tower action scene is boring as hell, the ferries scene is rushed, all the reprised lines at the end are crammed together. Joker’s final scene is cool but then Batman makes a joke and pushes him off a building?

    For a super hero movie, sure it’s decent, but compared to all action movies, nah. It’s like they did almost everything really good and then totally fucked up

    • Watch it again, pay attention to the last hour. Soozevillenb
    • *snoozevillenb
    • you're not wrong but the score saves it allStoicLevels
    • agree, doesn't hold upaes
    • This applies to everything related to all superheroes. They're asinine by definition. Only Adam West Batman works because it's an intentional farce.CyBrainX

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