Shopify Code Help

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • 8 Responses
  • Nairn0

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    Do any of you here know if it's possible to pull through some of the back-end admin sales data onto a Shopify site's homepage?

    Like, somehow add a number so that people can see how many units have been sold, etc?


    • Sorry, more like "how many total units have been sold, across all product types".Nairn
    • https://apps.shopify…imbecile
    • hrmm. ok, so if they can do it, it is possible to pull that data out. But I only need one variable, for a specific, lateral reason.Nairn
    • How do I learn to do what they did? What is it I'm missing here? Is there some kind of SuperDev sub-layer to Shopify development?Nairn
    • at $4/month, at least two years would go by before it was worth my time to try to sort out the codingimbecile
    • that's slightly missing the point.Nairn
    • not my point. i don't have time to sort out the answer. i'm willing to pay someone who hasimbecile
    • maybe?…imbecile
    • var totalInventory = 100;
      assign var solditems = { current_variant.inve... } - { totalInventory }
    • *current_variant.inv...hotroddy

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