Learning C4D

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  • shapesalad1

    Read the manual. Get confused. Follow tutorials, but find they are all for different past versions of C4D and the new one you're using has better and different ways of doing things. Follow tutorials only to realise you need a super PC with GPU's and octane or redshift or some such thing to get the same result. Give up.

    That's the general pattern.

    Best way to learn is to have a specific end goal. Say you wanted to model a Pencil, and make a 15" video clip of it bending, shattering, doing motion graphic looking stuff. You'd start with modelling tutorials, then texturing, then render settings and lighting, then animation and mograph stuff. Breaking down the task into each part and learning those parts through googling, tutorials on youtube, and reading the manual. Expect to be putting a vast amount of time into that.

    Personally, If starting from scratch, jump to Blender and learn that. Free, quick, getting vastly better than C4D on many aspects.

    • I'm skeptical about Blender being better. As a beginner I would make a small investment in something like Linkedin Learning or GSG+.CyBrainX
    • The manual is good for quick reference but it's not made for learning from scratch.CyBrainX

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