
Out of context: Reply #275

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  • jtb265

    If Facebook wants to sell my data to small businesses, and let’s be clear that’s what their ad platform does, then they should cut me in. That’s a moral issue. I generate data for these monolithic corporations all day every day. As I live and breath I make data that is consumed by FB, Amazon, etc. they profit off of that data. They profit off my life.

    If copyright laws were modernized, I would own all the data I generate. Apple is right to put that ownership in my hands as much as possible. Not Tim Cook. Not Marks. Not Elons.

    Shareholders don’t care, but this is honestly theft. When Facebook profits off of recording 98% of all human speech and god knows how much else, they shouldn’t be protected from liability for broadcasting garbage to the progenitors of their wealth.

    I say challenge FBs section 203. They shouldn’t have it both ways. They shouldn’t be able to steal my data and then claim no responsibility for what happens on their platform. Small businesses with young platforms deserve section 203. Mega conglomerates should be held to a higher standard. Using small businesses as a shield is a rank PR stunt.

    • LOL
    • They steal your data because you give it to them for FREE. I sorta agree with you but what would you get if the platform was $10 a month?Hayoth
    • You generate data the same way a cow generates CO2, it's only a byproduct of your online activity. You are not creating data, it's not a copyright issue.palimpsest
    • Facebook harvests our data/manure to sell to other companies which in turn propose to sell us shit. It's the circle of life.palimpsest
    • i'm with jtb26, tho they don't steal your data, they do monetise it. and they should give us a cut of that income, after all without their users they're nothinhans_glib
    • it doesn't need to be much, but it should be something to say "thanks mate for your contribution". until they do that they can fuck right off.hans_glib
    • That would be the cherry on top. Get paid for your data that gets used to deliver ads to sell you shit that you end up buying in the end.palimpsest
    • Your cut gets included in the cost. Everybody wins.palimpsest
    • This is Apple allowing a user to simply opt in or opt out. Why would anyone argue with this? You opt in when you join Facebook and this is a reminder.ideaist
    • It’s basic consumer rights.ideaist
    • This is a more reasonable argument. Like what what they do with cookies. It should be your choice. We own, and should own up to, our choices.palimpsest
    • I've always been pretty underwhelmed at the level of targeted advertising all this data collection produces. Maybe I just don't use social media enough, but Iyuekit
    • feel like most of the ads I see are just basic retargeting based on ecommerce sites I've already visited.yuekit
    • Only two years ago I started seeing ads targeted to my interests, and like you're saying they were based on products I had already seen.palimpsest
    • It's only been this year that I have been offered products that I wasn't aware of and interest me. It's been a welcome change.palimpsest
    • your analogy is bad and you should feel bad. no cattle farmer would give away manure.imbecile
    • In my analogy we are the cows, not the farmer. Get hooked on phonics.palimpsest
    • you've gone full trumptard. have a nice dayimbecile
    • Touché.palimpsest
    • Mono, I’m hyperbolic. shifting the Overton window.jtb26

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