
Out of context: Reply #71467

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  • kingsteven10

    The neighbourhood teenagers have gone feral, there were about 10+ of them outside my house earlier loitering about bored as fuck as they do. I'd heard them out there making the teenager noises, and recognised a couple of them from the street, even had a chuckle after hearing one of them telling an anecdote about how he ate all the bolognese off his spaghetti before he'd mixed it up and never realised how horrible it was without sauce (i mean, jesus fuck - do the wee goober faced bastards ever shut the fuck up??)...

    But then this incredibly loud banging noise starts, after about ten bangs I look out to two of them kicking the shit out of the street sign while the rest look on... it was still daylight and honestly i cant think of a more visible place in the whole neighbourhood, its a corner of a junction so theres about 8 houses facing on to them... So i imagine all the neighbours (mostly wee old dears) are looking out at this point too - anyway, I bust the window open and gave it the "OIII!!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!" i scared myself a bit, i haven't shouted in a while and I think I over-egged it a bit (sounded like if Liam Neeson had joined Cannibal Corpse)... Of course they all scarpered off in different directions, if one of them had taken the time to look up they would have seen a big hippy looking fucker, in his painting gear, scared of his own voice.

    Anyway, I went out and inspected the sign... bit of a bend in the middle but not too bad. Was thinking I could fix it but as I was walking the dog I had flashbacks to stupid shit I did when I was that age... The kind of shit your brain likes to remind you of randomly before falling asleep or in the queue of Tesco... Some of those kids live on my street, and that warped sign is going to be there in 20 years. With any luck one of them has a conscience and one day will look at it, get a shiver down their spine and be forced to remember the day they ate dry spaghetti and got yelled at by Bob from Twin Peaks.

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