
Out of context: Reply #3260

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  • Ramanisky29

    • Simply madness. Thinking if we go on with our lives it will go away. Loco times...grafician
    • Are you implying that 67,000 of children doctors don't know what they are talking about?
    • https://services.aap…pr2
    • ah fuck, just look up "aap on school reopening"pr2
    • https://arstechnica.…PhanLo
    • ^ The administration mischaracterized what they said previously.wordssssss
    • Phan, read the AAP pres release they still want the school to open in Sep insisting it should be priority.pr2
    • I reckon schools where I live will be open in August. But we don't have skyrocketing cases.PhanLo
    • Just let all the little rug rats contract the Covid disease. This will help build character...this is what will Make America Great Again!utopian
    • Utopian, time to read some science papers. Kids don't contract the virus in the same numbers as adults and don't transmit it as easily either.pr2
    • here is a great summary of state of the research about kids and covid:
    • ture, we also made tests - it showed kids are not more or maybe less contagious than adults. kids aside, the chart could also work with Disney Land reopening.api
    • Think of the adults that are needed to open the schools... and all the activities around it... I think its more people tired to take care of kidsSalarrue
    • While it's less lethal in kids, they still get it. Then their families get it. Then teachers get sick. Then substitute teachers that make their living by..garbage
    • ..filling in at several schools become carriers. It's a stupid idea from a completely clueless administration that has been getting it wrong since 2019.garbage
    • Internet Scientist Activated™Hayoth
    • ^Fucking idiot activated. I have several friends that work in medicine, and they were worried about this getting out of control in January.garbage
    • Hospital-wide "oh shit we've already got our first case in the system" emails. I've also worked in medical publishing for almost a decade.garbage
    • If you want to be all "durr hurr science is tough", go for it. I've been self-quarantined for 6 months, and at this point I'm ok with idiots dropping like fliesgarbage
    • garbage, you gotta read up more. Nothing you said about "kids families get it, teachers get it etc." is true. Kids are super NOT spreaders.pr2
    • Um, I'm read up bruv. You're absolutely wrong.garbage
    • "If children meet in groups, it can put everyone at risk. Children can pass this virus onto others who have an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19."garbage
    • That's straight from the CDC, and keep in mind that's a CDC that's being hamstrung by this current administration.garbage
    • The same CDC that was forced to stop testing in Seattle after we reported the first case and first novel infection.garbage
    • https://www.nytimes.…garbage

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