
Out of context: Reply #71190

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  • drgs2

    I've been talking a lot about about age lately -- which reminded me of another story.

    Exactly 20 years ago, when I was 18 years old, I enrolled in CS studies at NTNU in Trondheim. The sophomore students organized some kind of bar-to-bar tour for us freshmen to get to know each other.

    There was one older guy among us -- a 38 year old hairdresser by the name of Kolbjørn. I remembered it because he had a tip for us: "Think of me as a koala bear". He looked nothing like a koala bear. He had nose and ear piercings etc.

    It was clear he was conscious about his age. 4 hours into drinking I'm hugging this guy and I say to him: "Dude, I think you're cool. When I grow old I want to be like you." I followed it with a hand shake.

    Never seen him since. Today I am his age and I understand why. Sorry about this, Kolbjørn, hope hairdressing worked out for you.

    • Signs your going to die?utopian
    • now some kid will hug you in a bar and say the same :)renderedred
    • I don't get it - he slept a lot? Ate eucalyptus leaves?Nairn
    • Best thing to do would be to treat him as same age, ie. pretend as nothing unusual and to not talk about the age thing at all.drgs
    • It's like the expression "the hell is definitely below", which implies some level of doubt.
      "Dude, you're definitely cool" is the same.

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