USA to UK relocation guide

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • Fax_Benson1

    You don't need to tip everybody - just for table service, which you generally don't get in bars and pubs. Actually, I wonder whether that may change now with covid. Outdoor table service is going to be a thing.

    • tipping at bars is optional but most decent drinking folks do it...kingsteven
    • Tipping at bars is optional? As in pubs or clubs? Literally never tip unless you're eating a meal lol.kalkal
    • no tip jar in your local? its optional, always tip good service especially on a round...kingsteven
    • avoid implying that people aren't decent, or proper drinking folk, because they don't adhere to a custom that doesn't exist in most parts of the countryFax_Benson
    • @Fax Benson: here in the states they've started something called "curbside" for picking up orders. You pop the boot and wait in the car. They put your order incherub
    • That's not for pubs of course. But yeah I guess they'll do outdoor table service.cherub
    • After noticing kalkal was from derby I asked one of my mates from derby and it turns out tipping in belfast was a culture shock...kingsteven

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