
Out of context: Reply #1592

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  • Nairn3

    Calling this now - if we start seeing large-scale removal of monuments of those now viewed as morally-questionable in this country, we're going to see a shitfuck of a reaction from a growing extreme right wing.

    The Bristol slave-trading one seems to be a long over-due and I can possibly see why perhaps Cecil Rhodes should come down from the face of Oxford Uni, but I read a list earlier of other candidates and it seemed a lot of them were pushing the bounds of rational justification.

    Educate people, allow history's lens to evolve and recognise the place these people had in their day. Their monuments needn't exist to inspire unblinkered positivity, instead reflectivity. You can't undo history, you can only learn from it.

    I can't see what the end goals for this apparent cancel/offence culture is. How far back do you go? How dark a transgression meets whatever liquid criteria is the focus of ire this day?

    Should we rename London because it has the stain of imperial conquer? Should we smash down Hadrian's Wall?

    • Well said that <s>man</s> person.webazoot
    • Correctomundo. And those of Maoist tendencies will be crushed.Doris_McSquirter
    • I can see a call for Mosques to be demolished. After all, Muhamud was a slave owner...Doris_McSquirter
    • agreed Nairn. Can't get too upset about the Bristol one and now it is, as it needs to be, being properly discussed. Don't throw that away by becoming a mobFax_Benson
    • theres calling for renaming of some slave-trade related street names in the 'burghmicrokorg

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