Just skip Deathboy notes

Out of context: Reply #7

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    With all due respect, Nairn, skipping deathboy's notes is a wrong-headed approach.

    He posted notes that crossed the line from plain stupid and incoherent, to parroting the worst of the worst right-wing douchery with his 'all lives matter' number. Shellie rightly called him on it for what it is: racism.

    This isn't about 'difference of opinion', or whatever other disingenuous right-wing word vomit du jour is being used to deflect the obvious.

    This is the difference between right and wrong.

    The kind of casual 'all lives matter' racism that gets shat out is wrong. It marginalises. It leads to precisely the situation we see unfolding in the US.

    Which leads me to this, for QBN mods and owners:

    You see what's happening in the media. You know the reasons why things are where they are now, on this topic. You understand that staying silent in the face overt or casual or concealed racism shouldn't be an option anymore for anyone, yet comments like deathboy's — which really offended an African-American member of this community, and rightly so — apparently pass muster around here on a regular basis.

    Do you really think this is OK, QBN Mods? If you do, tell us now, so that I can fuck off from here and not come back; because I personally won't tolerate the sort of degenerate racist shit like DB's any longer.

    • i´am pro skippin - its always the same anti - humanistic and dumbshit anyway.neverscared
    • Thank you continuity. Bang on.fadein11
    • yeah...though saying, writing racist stuff is just dumb and stupid. it's an attitude that shows how fucked they are.uan
    • racists weren't that lucky when they were born, they ended up in a fucked up environment. missed parental love, got abused, don't know better.uan
    • you can't just ban them from society...you need to integrate them in some way.

      the real evil is the ones that use them to concentrate power on themselfs.
    • Moot point. This isn't the 19th fucking century, where access to information is limited, and those kinds of tolerated.Continuity
    • Skip, you are being intolerant.i_was
    • *those kinds of attitudes are toleratedContinuity
    • germany did a lot of work after wwII in that regard and the ppl know what they need to do. look at the 18K demonstrators today in germany in solidarity with blmuan
    • you should call them 'Arschloch' but talk to them: https://www.youtube.…uan
    • this parallel only exists in your brain.sted
    • See, I didn't even know that he went on an "All lives matter" rant, because I see his name and keep scrolling. Don't give fuel to his desperate ego.garbage
    • He's inflicting violence to his proper self.i_was
    • Fyi “right wing” is not the same thing as racist.cannonball1978
    • @cannonball Right wing and racism are beyond the "kissing cousins" phase.garbage

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