
Out of context: Reply #70979

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  • Nairn1

    Wore my two acceptable pairs of shorts down to threadbare at the end of last year, not in any way expecting I'd for some reason not be able to buy new shorts this year.

    Tried one pair on last week - my fancy brand 'twat pants' (long shorts with too much shithead adornment on for 'character', still I like them) - the small tear on one leg captured my big toe, which made it a much bigger tear. Unusable. Other shorts are so fixed-up they're basically now more my haphazard stitching than original cloth. Unusable.

    Only other shorts I have are just a bit too short and tight for my liking, so whilst in perfect (unworn) nick, also unusable.

    So I've come into work today in jeans - it's abnormally hot for this time of year, so more like mid August than sometime in May.

    I'm going to have to go to Sainsbury's and buy some shitty george pants, or whatever, at this rate. ffs. I loathe buying clothes online, whcih doesn't help.

    Roll on, end of quarantine

    • dull blog is dull. Can't post anything contentious though, lest we get the downvotes, oh noes.Nairn
    • every year I tell myself I'll buy shorts in early spring while it's still cold and nobody's thought about it. never do.Fax_Benson
    • ha :) the two pairs I liked and had were both bought at the end of their seasons, so good shorts for a cheap price. Shoudl've repeated the trick, d'oh.Nairn
    • had the same issue with garden furniture. That stuff's ALL GONE. At least all the gigs I would have found out about after the event are cancelled.Fax_Benson
    • I've solved the shorts problem. Just get your favorite pair of pants, cut the legs off. Presto, no need to go out and buy shorts for the season.robotron3k
    • ooh, actually, I could get the sewer/clothier at the end of our road to modify an old pair of maharishi snopants with fucked leg-ends - not a bad idea, Robo!Nairn
    • Old gadgie just opened up again this week. I've felt sad not seeing the old Greek 'sewer' (shit word) guy not sat in his usual window space, fixing clothesNairn
    • Zip-on legs?Fax_Benson
    • I hope not, they sound wobbly.

      And painful.

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