
Out of context: Reply #70812

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  • mg331

    Has anyone ever known any 12-13 year olds that got into marijuana and basally turned into complete assholes? In my extended family, I learned that someone's young son has done a complete 180 and is going down a really bad road right now. Been smoking and selling pot for six months, lashing out at his parents after they caught him, threatening suicide, causing his younger brother to have panic attacks. The biggest thing is that he tells his parents, at 13, "this is who I am, this is my identify. He's all into glorification of pot, music that glorifies it, thug life, etc. It's the ultimate cliche but it's really sad, especially for what it's doing to his parents. They caught him smoking in the shower with the fan on and it still filled the house. He's an incredibly smart kid but making the dumbest decisions.

    Any experience with this? The big thing for him is control. They live out in rural America, small town, and are at their wits end. Can't get him to go to a therapist, already had to have him picked up by the cops because he was threatening his mom, and the mom keeps hoping he actually hits her so she can have him arrested and committed to some kind of rehab facility. They're a church-going family; the kid is throwing all kinds of stuff at them about how perfect they are, everybody always dotes on him and tells him how smart he is, etc.

    How does a 13 year old return from this? What do they do?

    • A guy I work on freelance projects with has two younger brothers that took this path. All the love an opportunity offered could not deter them.imbecile
    • My kid got into that around that age — this story is very familiar. He grew out of it (thank god) and looks back on that with a healthy dose of cringeGnash
    • It's weird because he's such a smart kid. He's just enchanted with this identity. His dad caught him obsessively watching videos on YT of people smoking bongsmg33
    • and videos of people blowing huge puffs of smoke. Definite cringe.mg33
    • I was the same as a young teen, but my ‘pot’ was punk music. I was such a dick to my parents . Kids are full of shit, they mature eventuallyGnash
    • I have to imagine there's serious ramifications for even that drug at that age when you're entire physiology and psychology are shifting rapidly.mg33
    • Yup - so weird. I get the getting into drugs thing, but the whole “it’s who I am” and the culture of pot is so fucking oddGnash
    • the youngest was affected by the usage for sure, he's still identifying as that same kid he was 15+ years agoimbecile
    • Needs Maria Sabina healingrobotron3k
    • Stop giving him all that attention. He will stop when he sees nobody cares. Being a prick knows no age.grafician
    • Take away his fucking allowance for starters. And raid his shit every other day.monospaced
    • mg33 military school. nothing will change and this will just get worse. right now that kid owns the family, and the parents are weak to handle this.sted
    • @monospaced he is dealing. so he already developed a solution to get the money he wants.sted
    • Speaking from experience, they can grow out of it. But it’s a crap-shoot. Some of my son’s past friends are stilled fucked. Others are okay nowGnash
    • Unfortunately, church won’t help these people. Tell them to find a local parent support group. They need to find a way to manage themselvesGnash
    • They don’t have much power over him, they can only learn to control themselvesGnash
    • They have to wait It out, learn what boundaries to set, and more importantly, which to let go ofGnash
    • Because of the church connection they will get a lot of stupid advice. They need to stop ‘shame’ from directing their actionsGnash
    • they need to accept their situation. Mourn the loss of what they envisioned their son would be at this moment, but remain optimistic that things will changeGnash
    • I can’t stress the importance of a parent-support group strongly enough. Preferably not via the church. Trini-teens ain’t gonna helpGnash
    • Gnash, what high school did your son go to? My son's 13, starting high school next year, so far so good but I'm worried about certain schools._niko
    • Thanks everyone. He had a job washing tables and getting paid under the table, and that's probably where he got the money to start.mg33
    • It sounds like he's been smoking constantly, getting up at night to go outside at do it.mg33
    • @niko, Riverdale. Friend group is a big influence. Good and bad at all schoolsGnash
    • My daughter did great at the same high schoolGnash
    • ah, one of the options I was looking at, right now he's headed to Leaside which I feel will be 100x worse than Riverdale. yeah need to keep an eye on his frends_niko
    • Leaside is semestered, which has its benefitsGnash
    • Can you find drug support groups run by ex-offenders that have re-built their lives? He needs to hear it from his peers.monoboy
    • Real experience, told by people he might be more inclined to believe.monoboy
    • I can pretty much guarantee that he won’t go to any kind of therapy or support group, right now. Support is for the parents to learn hope to cope and directGnash
    • P.S. He's probably bored out of his mind in a culture that's alien to his point of view.monoboy
    • Challenge him to a bucket bong comp. Smoke so much that he passes out and shits himself.
      Post photos on social media.
    • Not easy. Scary.monoboy
    • Knew some guys that smoked weed since that age. One gave up in his mid 20's and couldn't believe what life was like without it everyday.PhanLo
    • Teach him everything about the brain, show him the affect of drugs, the unknowns, the horror show effects, maybe then he will realise he's f'ing up his neuronsshapesalad
    • Seriously, the more you learn about how the brain works, you realise how little science knows and how scary it is to stick non quality controlled crap in it.shapesalad
    • Stuff you buy off the street from a dodgy looking fella...shapesalad
    • get him to watch Momentum Generation. In case there is no other better mean to help him out. he needs some explanation about how life works. inspiration.uan
    • Thanks again everyone, so much of this is really helpful. I've thought myself about a way to get him talking to people maybe 5-8 years older than himmg33
    • who made bad decisions and realized they were wrong.mg33
    • I'm just heartbroken for the parents. The anger and rage started about 3 weeks ago when his younger brother (11) saw pot fall out of his jeans, and told themg33
    • parents. So while he'd been smoking since last year, he only got caught 3 weeks ago. All his friends quit and were looking out for him, he called them losersmg33
    • and turned on them because they quit. Told them they were weak or something.mg33

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