
Out of context: Reply #2069

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  • garbage8

    An open letter from a Seattlite:

    Full disclosure: Without saying too much, I work in medical publishing, and have friends that work in hospitals.

    Now I'm going to say too much, feel free to skip this wall of text.

    December: Higher-ups were worried about Seattle being the vector city for COVID-19. For a multitude of reasons that I could bore you to death with, among them being a large Asian population with the means to travel home for CNE, the whole ACE2 receptors thing, and our disproportionately large homeless / uninsured population that could become a petri dish that spills into America.

    January: Researchers tested for it, and were shocked out how easy it was to find from someone who had recently been to China. Then they found a novel infection. They were labeled as whistleblowers, and the CDC halted further testing.

    Seattle had the first reported infections and deaths in the US, but the current administration was worried that it would be a bad look for a re-election year. Go back through any of my comments in this thread, I've been saying this for months.

    It's the worst "told ya so" ever, but it needs to be said that the long-term worry IN DECEMBER was that a very deadly thing was coming and there would be massive long-term repercussions if we treated it with a hand wave.

    It's been incredibly frustrating to have friends be all "Hey fuck it, let's go to the park!" when I've been washing my dog after every walk and disinfecting my groceries since January. This has been mishandled in a giant way, and frankly a lot of that falls on having a fucking clown at the helm during a time when we as a country need actual leadership.

    Future fun topics:

    Quarantines trigger pregnancy spikes, so in the next 7-9 months we will be seeing #coronababy as an actual hash tag. These kids outpace the vaccine projections, and other coronaviruses have shown a high transmission rate from mother to child.

    Coronaviruses tend to have a marked lethality rate for people with diabetes. Recent stats have China, India, and Amercia as the highest diabetic per capita in developed nations. We're talking approximately a quarter to half a billion people that are very high-risk.

    It also has a higher lethality rate to the old and immunocomprimised, but one thing that isn't really making the media is the respiratory compromised. Good luck to everyone on the west coast after our record number of fires the past couple of years. Shout out to Australia. We're walking around with lungs older than our D.O.B.

    Increased xenophobia. We already have a fucking lunatic idiot that has an idiot lunatic fanbase that has already committed crimes on his behalf. For hate reasons. Asian Americans will be targeted in the US.

    Look forward to riders on future bills being shoveled through that further eliminate your rights to privacy, because they will rival the Patriot Act.

    On a personal level, I have friends that have spent 5 years on a startup, and have finally gotten to brick and mortar status. They've lost 95% of their clients and that shit isn't coming back. I haven't lost that much, but I'm nervous.

    I'm ranting now, so I'll just end with a giant fuck you to the "it's just a flu" or "lol corona panic much?" types. Just need to get that off my chest. If you still have that mindset, come over here and lick my fucking doorknob.

    The crow on my corner probably has it, and you can eat that for desert.

    • RE: Fwds from grandmalambsy
    • Eh, joke all you want, but I know what I'm talking about. LA will be the next major epicenter, so have fun with lockdown. It sucks.garbage
    • Why do you think the USNS Mercy parked in the port of Los Angeles last week, and is staying there until at least September?garbage

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