
Out of context: Reply #1340

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  • Nairn9

    Further to the above..

    "WHO launches global megatrial of the four most promising coronavirus treatments"…

    It sounds like there's so much data, research and treatment sharing going on behind the scene and so much accelaration, that there might be some cause for hope.

    Humans are an odd lot - typically it's required wars and militarism to bring out our 'best' - turns out it's just threats generally. Ozymandias was right... .

    Also, I will always +1 Logan's Run references.

    • I listened to a scientist saying the other day that the sharing on this is incredible. Something he also said was uncharacteristic in normal times.fadein11
    • obviously it's unprecedented times but he said the community has come together way better than expected on this.fadein11
    • On 60 Minutes last night, they interviewed scientists working on this. It was refreshing to hear them say "we're not in competition with each other...mg33
    • ...we're all in competition with this virus."mg33
    • I hope coming out of this this level of rapidly working together continues.mg33
    • yep mgfadein11
    • It's great they're working together collectively. Back to normal in a year.PhanLo
    • it's incredible, working in the medical faculty for 8 years and my mind is constantly blown at the level of research, the international sharing of knowledge...kingsteven
    • what company will make the vaccines? Will they share the patent between multiple companies to speed things up? There's tons of cash for them to make with thisBennn
    • somehow this has to start happening beyond science + medicine so that we stop arguing over isms and start agreeing on objectively good ideasFax_Benson
    • Are you advocating World Government, fax?Nairn
    • @Bennn these are treatments not vaccinesernexbcn
    • might tweak the name a bitFax_Benson
    • +1 OzymandiasDRIFTMONKEY

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